Pediatric & Infant Care

Dr. Heather uses a combination of Chiropractic and Craniosacral care to treat both babies and kids.

Babies- Dr. Heather specializes in treating babies. It is important to check them for in uterine constraint patterns and birth trauma. We believe all babies should be treated, but definitely bring your baby in if you notice:

Baby doesn’t like tummy time, has a flat head on one side, cannot turn neck well to both sides, doesn’t nurse/latch/suck well, has tummy troubles, colic, sleep issues and more.

Kids- Being a kid can be rough on the body.  Growing is hard work and joint injuries are frequent. Often, kids have health issues that we would not know about without taking them to a Chiropractor: issues that may negatively affect their later life.

When to take your kid: Falls and bonks, growth spurts, repetitive stress injuries (soccer, dance, etc.), chronic ear infections, learning difficulties, sleep difficulties, stress, ADHD, headaches, pain following orthodontic/dental work, digestive problems, and sensory integration disorders and failure to thrive can all affect the long-term health of children.

Dr. Dale has been treating babies and kids since 1977. He is the best for any acute injuries including those that require X-rays.

Infant and Pediatric Care

Carol Gray, one of Dr. Heather's favorite teachers! 

Tongue Tie

Tummy Time with Michelle Emanuel, a real gem

Dr. Heather's favorite baby/parenting book, Baby Sense Secret by Meg Faure

Blog on How to Treat Lice

Baby Thrush 

Babies with Flat Head, Tight Neck (torticollis and plagiocephaly) Help!

Supplement To Support Children’s Bodies while Vaccinating

Nine year change info

Skin rashes and disturbances

Parenting info— Parenting AlongSide