Women’s Health

Pregnancy & Post-Partum

Dr. Heather has pursued specialized post-graduate study in Chiropractic and craniosacral for pregnancy, birth and post-partum. She is Webster Technique certified and with three children of her own, she is very familiar with pregnancy and birth. With pregnant mamas, she mixes gentle chiropractic, muscle massage work, and craniosacral work with home exercises and lifestyle recommendations. With infants she use craniosacral work almost exclusively. The birthing process is traumatic for a baby’s little body and she believes that all newborns can greatly benefit from treatment early in life as this is the time we have the potential to eliminate restrictions that may possibly negatively influence the rest of their lives. She especially recommends treatment for babies who cannot latch well to nurse/take a bottle, have colic, gastro-intestinal problems, head flattening, or always lay their heads to one side, etc.

Women’s Health

Dr. Heather puts special emphasis on analyzing the full picture of your health as a woman, realizing that neck or back pain is often the symptom of deeper and more chronic patterns. . For example, pelvic imbalances, past traumas, gut health, emotional stress, past traumas, anxiety, hormonal changes and/or daily routines can greatly influence wellness. Chiropractic, craniosacral, muscle therapy, stretching exercises, nutritional advice, and functional medicine are usually what I find most helpful in my care of women.

Nutritional Support

My intention is to best support YOU! During my three pregnancies and more than a decade in maternity chiropractic practice, these suggestions have emerged to help with your pregnancy, birth and postpartum optimal wellness. Along with these recommendations, emphasis on self care is always important. Proper rest, nutrition, and physical care such as chiropractic, craniosacral therapy and massage are encouraged.